Friday, June 30, 2006


So, my dear readers... unsurprisingly, my HP Pavilion has crashed on me again, for the fourth time in about eleven months (bought in late July of last year). I'm really past the point of feeling frustration. As soon as I started hearing those strangled clicks and faltering beeps and encountering familiar blue screens, I started to pack up the lemon to send over to Futureshop (equivalent of Best Buy or similarly-themed technology shop) for repair. Hard drive crashes have become a part of my everyday life now, very much like having to visit the dentist for a clean-up or taking in your car for servicing. The only "good" news is that because of the extended warranty plan I have, if the computer so much as sneezes after this repair, I get a brand-new one. What I fear is the same thing happening all over again, since I get the same model; I'm considering asking for a Mac (although I doubt the plan allows for exchanges). Whatever, technology hates me, I hate technology. I am so looking forward to re-installing everything on my desktop, from iTunes to Anti-virus programs (snort). Hurrah.

The bad news is that I am mostly computer-less for the next few days (my mother, brother and I must share the old Dell we have - it barely has ten gigabytes on it), and the countdown has lost all momentum. Plus, I leave for Dubai on Tuesday, so the list may be in a little bit of limbo for the next few weeks. I will do everything I can to post whatever I can for the next few days, but if not, please forgive me for leaving you all in suspense (hah! all five of you that read this... but I appreciate your involvement).

Off to pack!


Nick M. said...

Technology is indeed deserving of such hatred.

I think this is all karmic revenge -- your computer read that you saw The Devil Wears Prada as you typed out your grade in the sidebar on the right and promptly imploded.

Those "strangled clicks" you mentioned are my least favorite noise (besides teeth on a fork); I even cringed when reading yourvivd two-word descroption of them. They drive me absolutely crazy.

Yaseen Ali said...

What is wrong with watching (or even looking forward to) The Devil Wears Prada? I really enjoyed it despite the moralizing third act; several of the supporting turns are ace. Oscar-worthy even (read: Emily Blunt).

You hear these noises too? That's good news (well, not so much for you - it just proves I'm not crazy). See, for months, no one believed me and scornfully implied I was exaggerating the disturbing clicks. Then I recorded the pathetic breakdown on camera - then the bastard Futureshop people finally *got* it.

Javier Aldabalde said...

This post has been hunting me for days now. What exactly am I supposed to read once you leave for Dubai (sp?) and more importantly, who will read my crap once you're gone? ;)

Oh, and yes, computers suck.

Have lots of fun in the coming days, but please, don't be away for too long OK :)

(PS: My countdown is kinda frozen, too. But that's because I'm lazy as a cow, really. Sigh).

Anonymous said...

Shoot, trips take way more precedence than online lists. Have a great time, and take lots of pictures. We're going to want to see, obviously.

I shall most likely be seeing The Devil Wears Prada in the near future. And I wanted to see it even before I even knew Emily Blunt was in it...

Oh, and get a Mac. It solves all problems. :)

Nick M. said...

Oh, it's just a bit of a joke. I have a friend who is way too excited for The Devil Wears Prada, so my snarkiness must have seeped into your journal somehow.

Emily Blunt, eh? Have you seen My Summer of Love?

(Which reminds me, I'm really glad you enjoyed Saving Face; isn't it ludicrously charming?)

I pondered over a crusade against chick lit (which, when I allude to in conversation, often elicits a "you mean the gum?") and all it influences, but I've decided that it isn't even worth it.

Do not feel comfort in believeing that you aren't crazy because I hear something, also. In fact, it's further proof to doubt your sanity. Starting now, we will never refer to the noises. They can hear us.

Yaseen Ali said...

Javier - You have quite a following besides me, so take comfort in the fact that your list will be read. Plus, you know that every chance I get to visit an internet cafe, I will be hitting your blog immediately. Plus, I've caught up to you (#19), so you better get cracking on that next one!

Jesse - Thank you for the blessing, I needed it. Although I love the blog universe we have created, I must focus on making the most of this trip. Opportunities don't come along this often!

Nick - I saw Summer of Love months ago, and although I wasn't totally sold on the film, I loved Nathalie Press and Emily Blunt in it. But while Press was scene-stealing in that film, Blunt out-acts everyone in Prada, even Streep. Talented girls these two are. You must see it just for Blunt, if anything.

Saving Face was very touching, although formulaic. I thought the cast was phenomenal though, especially Joan Chen.

You are probably right about the noises - I am convinced my computer can hear and understand me. That's why I never mention the dreaded b and c words around it.